Hardly Breathing

That tight feeling in your chest to where it feels like your hardly breathing.

This is how it is to lose someone you truly care for.

You are hit with an intensity that feels heavier then you can stand. The burning at the edges of your eyes, the tell tales signs that you will begin to cry as your body begins to tremble or freeze at the realization of it. Unable to move, unable to think, all you can do is question.

Is this really happening?

Bones mend. Tears end. But will you ever be theirs again?

Anxious for Food

I am not usually the kind of person to get super excited over food. I think it can be a bit of a waste of energy, except for on days when you get relief after going all day or days without. Today, however, is an exception to that. I am looking forward to the meal one of the people I’ve met since moving here is bringing over tonight for dinner. We are getting a 12 inch meatball sub with cheese as well as a small bag of chips and a container of coleslaw on the side. Yum!

That kind of a Day

We all know these kind of days.

The ones where we could just rip something to shreds over, it was so bad.

It tends to be that we focus on our emotions. So much so that we forget it was either the event that occurs, the person’s actions, or even our own thoughts that drive us to feel that way, because of our our reaction to it. But you all, and even I do, tend to forget we have a choice in the matter.

Do you ever stop to question what can I do? What should I do?

Here are a few solutions to being able to tackle your problems with, perhaps at the least, a calmer mindset.

1) Remember to breathe.

No, seriously, you would be surprised how when you’re in those sobbing fits of tears how hard it can be for some people. All dramatics aside, how ever, focusing on calming your breathing for even a few minutes can have a surprising affect on both the physical side of emotions and your thoughts as well. Taking just a few seconds to breathe deeply, in and out , in a slow manner can reduce your heart rate back to normal, calm your thoughts a little to help you settle down, and also give you a moment to adjust to the situation as it is happening.

2) Use a distraction.

Be careful with this. Do not distract yourself so much that you avoid dealing with the problem, as this tends to let it continue on to get even worse. Short moments of taking a little time out of your day to focus on an positive activity, can help keep your moods more stable and prolong happiness or create it. Some examples of such activities include but are not limited to: talking with a friend, petting your dog, watching a funny movie, or listening to some upbeat music.

These are just a few examples to get you started. Remember, repeating the negativity by replaying it over and over again will not solve the problem, nor make you feel any better about it. Instead, try to come up with a replacement for what is negative, or to get out of that situation if possible. These are but a few suggestions for what to do.

Most of all, never be afraid to spice things up with a little mild humor.

And, remember to always…


Photo by:  Tammy Strobel ;; at: Flickr.com – Creative Commons (CC-by-3.0)

Don’t Knock It

“If you think you can’t or think you can, you are right!”

I am surprised how easily the words can roll into place off of one’s tongue. For once, I can understand if it is hard to understand how freely these things can be given and yet elude us for a time. Regarding the process of having the dreaded “writer’s block,” I have learned the single best thing to do is write anyway. No matter how cruddy, simple, or bad it turns out to be, try it anyone. The only thing stopping you is your resistance to trying to work past what is causing you to hesitate.